


Handling Logistics

Site Logistics definition

Site Logistics definition
Photo by Curology on Unsplash

an overseas area used once the major transshipment part of the movie theater of functions for logistic assistance. A naval advanced level logistic help website possesses complete capabilities for storage, consolidation, and transfer of materials and support of forward-deployed units (including replacements devices) during major contingency and wartime durations. Naval higher level logistic assistance web sites, with interface and airfield facilities in close distance, are observed within the movie theater of functions although not near the primary fight places, and must possess the throughput capacity expected to accommodate incoming and outbound intertheater airlift and sealift. When totally activated, the naval higher level logistic support web site should contains services and solutions given by the host nation, augmented by assistance workers located in the movie theater of operations, or both. Also called NALSS or Naval ALSS. See additionally logistic help; naval forward logistic site; support; movie theater of operations.